Gram Swaraj
Gram Swaraj
Gram Swaraj

We Yuva Acharyas are a cadre of change agents, this cadre is the core axle of the wheel of Gram Swaraj. We ensure enhanced responsive administration towards the needs of the community and active participation of local community in self Governance.

We conduct Geopgraphic Information System (GIS) based Electronic Participatory Rural Appraisal (ePRA) to do a Gap Analysis for our Panchayat to assess the gaps in NEEDs vs. AVAILABILITY, this gap analysis is done with respect to each of these 8 verticals as per Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) guidelines of our state. In our cadre we create Pratindhis-functional champions for each of these 8 verticals.This functional team of each vertical lead and work towards Convergence and Costless Development hand in hand with Panchayati Raj Institute (PRI) members in own Gram Panchayat.

Gram Swaraj is a Bottoms Up movement at Grass root level i.e. a Gram Panchayat. It is based on Co-operative Society model, the Sahakarita approach and is driven at core by team of dedicated youths who belong to the same Gram Panchayat. These youths are trained under Youth Leadership Training Program (and are called Yuva Acharyas), to bridge the Gap between Panchayati Raj Institution in their Panchayat and the local community.

The goal is to enable transformation of Gram Sabha by acting as intermediary between various resource providers and local communities, using various tools such as Gram Panchayat Development Plan(GPDP) of the state, GIS based Participatory Rural Appraisal (ePRA) , Bhuvan GIS Platform, & ecommerce platform to bring economic empowerment in their community.

The framework for Gram swaraj is GPDP guildelines of the respective State Panchayati Raj, based on all 8 verticals as under

  • Personal Development
  • Human Development
  • Economic Development
  • Social Development
  • Environmental Development
  • Infrastructure & Basic Amneties
  • Social Security
  • Good Governance

This collective effort with use of Technology, enable a Doable, Replicable and Scalable Model for creating a lasting and sustainable impact Pan India.